Selasa, 30 Jun 2015


The Impact of Whatsapp Usage on Students Performance in Tertiary Institution

Social media is the new form of media makes the transfer of text, photos, audio, video, and information in general increasingly fluid among internet users. The result is an enormous amount of information that can be easily shared, searched, promoted, disputed, and created. 

In the first paragraph the author have state the history of Whatsapp and it function. The Whatsapp messenger was purposely created by Brian Acton and Jan Koum to make communication in this era are easier and faster by using internet compare to using the prepaid plan. The main purpose behind this application is to replace SMS with cross-platform mobile messenger that works on an internet data plan. But the author is forgetting that not all students are capable to purchase and internet plan for every month. This is because student are not person that are huge source of money and furthermore they all are does not work and they don’t have a money to make a purchase for internet plan every month. The basic need to install a Whatsapp app is the type of device or mobile phone. Currently Whatsapp only available for iPhone, Android, Windows Phone and Blackberry. If the user does not have one of these types of mobile phone, they cannot install Whatsapp and use it. This type of mobile phone will incurred high expenditure among student in tertiary institution. 

In paragraph 3, the author have manage to highlight the good impact of Whatsapp among the student such as such as Whatsapp are good for student in order to enhancement of discussion and sharing information among the student and their lecture. It show that the Whatsapp also give a benefit to the student in order to make their study easier. They can use it as one of the medium in discussion among them by creating a group in Whatsapp. The student can participate in the discussion although they not in the same place. For an example, the discussion can make although outside the learning timetable. The second good impact of Whatsapp that author try to highlight is Whatsapp encourage learners to learn by anticipating needs, make collaborative learning efficient and effective and build a relationship that stimulates learner-to-learner for consistent and progressive learning. This statement is support by an expert opinion that is Yalcinalp and Gulbahar. The problem that we can see here is the author does not state who is Yalcinalp and Gulbahar. We can see that the support statement are very weak because the author not state in what field that the expert came from and it give lack of confidences to the reader. Many assumptions can be made by the reader about the expert if it not states the field that the expert studies. 

In paragraph 4 the author state that a research has been conduct to determine the advantages and disadvantages in tertiary education student in Ghana. This show there is some weaknesses during the research have been made. The research should be conducted in tertiary student in developed and developing state. This is because the technology trend is different from other country with other country. There should conduct it on state such as America, United Stated or Malaysia compare to the third world country that have lack in term of technology advancement. Maybe if the research conducts in other country maybe it will show other result.

In paragraph 5, the author has reveal the bad impact or effect using Whatsapp to the tertiary student such as existence of WhatsApp can bring a various negative effects to the student’s performance in education. Procrastination, lack of concentration, grammar and spelling error and takes the studies time are the main reason why WhatsApp become the destroyer towards student who never take time management and education progress seriously. Internet and technologies surely contains a lot of benefits if the channel in a right one. The supporting details that the author use to support his point was it would lead to lack of concentration during lectures and this includes with difficulty in balancing online activities and academic preparation that distracts students from completing their assignments and adhering to their private studies time table. Furthermore, the author supporting details was not strong as he conducted a research by having 500 questionnaire to five tertiary institution in order to have a strong support from what he said that takes students time because if they want to said about this statement it should make it more larger scale such as 2000 or more because maybe it give a different result and more strong support.

            As the conclusion, the author’s purpose was to inform about the impact of using WhatsApp among students in tertiary education. From the research that has been made in Ghana whereby the sample acquired around 50 students from five tertiary institutions, result gained showed the negative sides much more impact rather than positive one. He also stressed out that WhatsApp has been a necessary evil for the students in tertiary institutions in Ghana. The intended group that the author wants to tackle was a student in tertiary institution. Since the author would like to share the knowledge regarding on the impact of WhatsApp whether it leads to the positive or the negative sides and it is easy for the reader to make a comparison. In addition, the limited research has been made in Ghana and the scope more on students from five tertiary institutions. 

Perkongsian Group Whatsapp.

11 APRIL 2015
Cerpen : Hypoimanism.

Aiman merenung wajah doktor itu. Doktor it merenung kembali mata Aiman. Masa berjalan sungguh lambat, seolah-olah ada kuasa yang telah menukarkan perjalanan waktu di dunia ini menjadi slow-mo. Hening sahaja, yang berbunyi hanyalah detikan jam dinding di dalam bilik Doktor Fahmi.

Suasana sepi itu dipecahkan oleh helaan nafas yang panjang oleh Doktor Fahmi.

“Macam bad news je,” bisik hati Aiman.

“Aiman, maafkan saya, but from what I’ve found, awak menunjukkan classic symptoms of hypoimanism.”

Terkebil-kebil Aiman mendengar statement doktor Fahmi. Apa? Hypoimanism? Aiman juga adalah pelajar perubatan tahun 4, sepanjang pengajiannya tak pernah pula dia mendengar term itu.

Doktor Aiman tersenyum nipis, seolah-olah sudah menduga kekeliruan pesakitnya itu.

“Ya, hypoimanism. Atau dalam laymen termnya, level iman yang rendah.”

Berkerut-kerut dahi Aiman mendengar kata-kata Doktor Fahmi. He must be kidding, right?

“Doktor, with all due respect, saya tak bersetuju dengan diagnosis doktor. Saya tak rasa saya mempunyai level iman yang rendah. Saya menunaikan solat 5 waktu, saya baca juga Al Quran setiap hari, ada setengah orang lansung tak baca doktor. Lepas tu, saya ni selalu juga bersedekah, takkanlah iman saya rendah.”, ujar Aiman bersungguh-sungguh.

Aiman sedar dia mengambil pendekatan defensif, tone suaranya pula agak emosional. Emosional, mungkin kerana di sebalik segala argumennya, hati kecilnya mengiyakan diagnosis doktor itu. Mungkin kerana dia sendiri, merasakan dirinya sudah lain sekarang, sudah jauh dari Dia.

Giliran Aiman pula menghela nafas panjang sambil beristighfar.

“Doktor, tadi, doktor ada cakap classic symptoms?” tanya Aiman perlahan. Matanya tertumpu ke bawah, malu untuk bertentang mata dengan doktor.

“Aiman, alhamdulillah awak masih menunaikan kewajipan sebagai seorang Muslim, masih menunaikan solat, masih dibukakan hati untuk membaca ayat-ayatNya, masih dikurniakan nikmat harta dan keringanan hati untuk berinfaq di jalanNya.”

“Tapi Aiman, izinkan saya bertanya, bila kali terakhir kamu beribadah sepenuh hati kepada pencipta kamu? Bila kali terakhir kamu duduk bermunajat seikhlas hati kepadaNya? Bila kali terakhir kamu berdoa bersungguh-sungguh sambil menangis kepadanya?”

Soalan bertubi-tubi dari Doktor Fahmi bagai meletakkan garam di luka. Pedih. Ditutup matanya rapat, tidak mahu cecair tak diingini keluar dari matanya. Kalau tak memikirkan muka macho yang perlu dijaga, sudah lama Aiman menangis di situ.

“Aiman, bila last time bangun qiyamullail?”

Aduuh, doktor ni, soalannya memang kena right on the spot. Aiman tahu, dia yang dahulu, memang selalu bangun qiyamullail. Sekurang-kurangnya, sekali seminggu. Tapi, kebelakangan ini…

“Doktor, bukanlah saya tak mahu, saya dah pasang alarm. Cuma saya tak bangun. Lagipun, bukankah ada dalam hadith Rasulullah SAW bersabda,

“Barangsiapa yang tidur sedang dia berniat akan bangun untuk bersolat di malam hari, tetapi dia terus tertidur hingga pagi, ditulis baginya apa yang telah diniatkannya dan tidurnya itu merupakan rahmat Allah kepadanya”

H.R. An-Nasai dan Ibn-Majah“

Ya, hadith inilah yang sentiasa menjadi penyenang hati setiap kali Aiman tidak bangun qiyamullail. Aiman berasa sedikit puas hati sebab mampu untuk quote hadith itu. “See, doktor, saya ini tidaklah seteruk mana.” bisik hati kecil Aiman.

“Ya betul hadith tu Aiman. Sahih. Tapi kan Aiman, let’s come back to kenapa kamu tak qiyamullail. Sebab kamu tidur lambat kan? Modern Warfare sampai 2-3 pagi? Sounds familiar?”

Aiman diam. Tiada hadith dapat diquote untuk menafikan dakwaan Doktor Fahmi.

“Ini yang saya maksudkan Aiman. Classic symptoms. Apa yang merisaukan saya, saya lihat masa kamu lebih dihabiskan dengan perkara-perkara lagha, hiburan hiburan picisan, rehat berlebihan. Kamu kata kamu sibuk study, tapi kamu tak berenggang dengan Facebook, Twitter dan Instagram. Selepas tu kamu nak chillax, kamu layan pula The Big Bang Theory 3-4 episode setiap hari dan macam-macam lagi. At the same time, amal-amal kamu tidak ubah hanya sebagai rutin harian, yang tak memberi makna pun kepada kamu. Aiman, hiburan itu tak salah, tapi kalau dah berlebihan, akan memakan diri kita, or in this case, iman kita.”,  ujar Doktor Fahmi bersungguh-sungguh.

Aiman tak mampu nak membendung air mata yang dari tadi terkumpul di dalam matanya. Satu persatu air mata jatuh.  Sedih sebab baru menyedari keadaan diri, dan pada waktu yang sama, terharu. Terharu kerana di sebalik setiap perkataan Doktor Fahmi, tiada lansung judgement, tiada langsung nada ‘holier-than-thou’, hanyalah nasihat yang terasa keikhlasannya.

“Aiman, izinkan saya ingatkan kamu satu hadith. Diriwayatkan oleh Abu Hurairah, Rasulullah SAW bersabda,

“Di antara tanda sempurnanya Islam seseorang adalah meninggalkan hal-hal yang tidak bermanfaat.”

“Aiman, bahayanya chronic hypoimanism ni, adalah kita akan lali dengan keadaan itu, dan merasakan nothing is wrong. Walhal, sebenarnya, jiwa kita sedang sakit. Sepatutnya seorang mukmin itu, bila sedar sahaja imannya turun, cepat-cepat dia cuba naikkan kembali. Kalau kadar gula dalam badan kita rendah, badan kita akan hantar isyarat kepada otak kita bahawa kita lapar. Maka sepatutnya, kalau kadar iman kita rendah, hati seorang mukmin itu patut hantar signal untuk kita kembali kepada Dia!

Aiman tersenyum kecil mendengar analogi Doktor Fahmi.

“Negative feedback?”

“Lebih kurangla..” jawab Doktor Fahmi selamba.

“Prognosis saya doktor?”

“InsyaALLAH, good prognosis if proper action taken. Nak tahu tak, Allah berfirman dalam surah Az-Zumar ayat 53,

“Katakanlah, “Wahai hamba-hambaKu yang melampaui batas terhadap diri mereka sendiri! Janganlah kamu berputus asa dari rahmat Allah. Sesungguhnya Allah mengampuni dosa-dosa semuanya. Sungguh, Dialah Yang Maha Pengampun, Maha Penyayang.”

Never lose hope in Him.”

Bukan kali pertama Aiman mendengar ayat itu dibacakan, tetapi inilah kali pertama Aiman benar-benar terkesan dengan ayat itu. Ayat yang memberikan penuh harapan kepada si hamba yang berdosa. Mendengarkan ayat itu, Aiman terus bersemangat untuk memburu kembali level iman yang tinggi, yang pernah dirasainya suatu masa dahulu.

Aiman melihat tepat ke arah Doktor Fahmi. Betapa bersyukur diri Aiman, kerana dipertemukan dengan Doktor Fahmi. Kalau tidak, entah berapa lama dia akan kekal dengan keadaannya itu.

“Doktor, saya nak ucapkan…”

“Dahla tu Aiman. Tak payah berdoktor-doktor dah. Kau tu yang lebih ‘doktor’ dari aku. Exam selalu score, aku ni selalu cukup-cukup makan je.”, giliran Fahmi merendah diri.

“Haaa, kau ni Mi, selalu dengan inferiority complex kau tu. Nak aku ingatkan Surah Hujurat ayat 13 lagi? Inna akramakum…”

“…’indallahi atqokum” sambung Fahmi tersenyum. “Ya Aiman, aku ingat.”

..Sesungguhnya yang paling mulia dari kamu di sisi ALLAH adalah mereka yang paling bertaqwa. (Al Hujurat:13)

Hakikatnya, Fahmi juga seorang pelajar perubatan tahun 3 seperti Aiman. Bumi Czech menjadi saksi perkenalan mereka, dan di bumi itu juga mereka mengenal erti persahabatan kerana ALLAH yang sebenar.

“Thanks Mi, tegur aku. Lain kali, tegur je aku straight, tak perlu main doktor-doktor ni. Kelakar pulak. Tak pasal-pasal kita cipta penyakit baru.”

Fahmi ketawa, sambil merangkul tangannya ke bahu sahabatnya itu.

“Jom, kita tolong each other jadi lagi baik Man.”

(cerpen ini bukan nukilan saya, penulisan sangat menarik utk saya kongsikan di blog saya)


Barney Ross and The Expendables rescue Doc, who has been imprisoned for eight years, from a train that is transporting him to a maximum security prison. Doc teams-up with Barney, Lee Christmas, Gunner, Toll Road and Hale Caesar in the assignment of stopping the dealer Victor Mins during a transaction of bombs. However they discover that the dealer is actually the former Expendable Conrad Stonebanks that shots Hale Caesar badly. The Expendables take their friend to the hospital and Barney meets Trench in the waiting room that tells that they are old. Then he has a meeting with the operating officer Max Drummer that had hired The Expendable to kill Victor and he gives one last chance to Barney to fix the problem. Barney concludes that his crew is old and decides to recruit a new and faster team with the support of his friend Bonaparte. Barney hires Thorn, Luna, Mars and the rebel John Smilee and refuses the cooperation of his old team. They head to Bucharest but their mission fails and only Barnes escapes from Stonebanks. Now Barney intends to return to rescue his team with the outcast Galgo. However his old team is like a family and they will never leave Barney fighting alone because family fights together to protect a member.

1)    The Expendables show lack of motivation in doing task given by the hirer/employees. If the task or job had high payment of money, then they willing die for it. It clearly seen in this movie whereby Lee Christmas said Doc had been crazy after been locked for 8 years for his crime. Barney Ross as their leader replied that Doc had given a task to kill politician at Switzerland for reasonable price and he blew off his mission and be prison for it. Plus, this problem occur in early phase of movie whereby Lee Christmas, Doc, Gunner and Barney Ross been put in danger situation when Barney blew his cover because angry with Stonebank. In those situation, Lee Christmas had asked Barney in car that been used to fight their enemy whether they get high paid for task/mission to stop Victor Mins/Stonebank because the mission so hard to perform due to limited of team member.

2)    The Expendables show lack of conflict resolution. This element can see from Barney Ross had been thinking to get his revenge on Stonebanks that injured Hale Caesar. Barney Ross confused with the plan to get revenge and been offered help by his old friend, Trench Mauser. Plus, Barney Ross also had problem when dealing with his operating officer, Max Drummer. It due to failure of Barney Ross and his teammates to finish the task given. Furthermore, we can see high conflict tense between Barney and his old teammates when Barney had to left his old expendable team because he believe his old teammates not young anymore and do not want to harm their lives.

3)      The Expendable show lack of departmentalization. This element can be see when there already select an expertise for their new team that is former U.S. Marine John Smilee (Lutz), nightclub bouncer Luna (Rousey), computer expert Thorn (Powell), and weapons expert Mars (Ortiz). Skilled sharpshooter Galgo (Banderas) asks to be included in the team, but Ross turns him down. This entire people have their own skill and knowledge about the task that have been given by Barney. This team have a precious skill that need by Barney in order to take down Stonebanks such as Luna is in closed combat and also expert in martial art, Thorn is an hacker that have a capability to hacking a security system and Mars that are expert in weapon when he introduce M25 assault rifle to Barney when he first meet Barney.

4)      The fourth element is lack of teamwork. In the last scene of Expendable 3, Barney forces his old team and new team to cooperate with each other in order to make them release from Stonebanks place. The new and veteran members of the Expendables work together to kill Stonebanks' men. When a second wave of Stonebanks' army starts moving in for an attack, Drummer lands on the building to evacuate the team. They manage to leave the place safely by having a good cooperation among the teams. The team have combine their skill and technology well to ensure they manage to leave the place that have been surrounded by Stonebanks’ mans. The team makes it to Drummer's helicopter and flies away to safety.

1)      As for first issues, it is regarding our topic of motivation. Motivation can be defined as the force within a person that affects the direction, intensity and persistence of his or her voluntary behaviour. In several situations the motivated are willingly to exert a particular level of effort for a certain amount of time toward particular goal. Apparently, we used to concept of reward our employees with money to boost their motivation to achieve the goal of specific task given. (McShane & Von, 2013). We can related the monetary value as main purpose of task/mission been perform by Doc before he been prison, we can identify that Doc willing to kill a politician at Switzerland for good price. An automatic destruction towards himself when he blew off his mission, he been imprison 8 years for the crime in high security prison. In several researches and studies, money had been referring as symbol of status and prestige, as source of security, as source of evil, or as sources of anxiety or feeling of inadequacy (Oxford Fajar, 2011).  Money also well known as external factor that derived motivation in individual to work to achieve goal in life.
We also can see the interconnected between motivation and reward in movie of ‘The Expendables 3’. Reward can be referring as thing given in recognition of one’s service, effort and achievement. It also can be specifically call in economy exchange concept as ‘making equal’. It can be in term prize, award, honour, bonus, premium and payment. 

There are many types of reward in workplace such as membership, job status, competencies, and task performance. Most of scene in ‘The Expendables 3’ merely narrow down to job status reward, in some parts of the world, companies measure job worth through job evaluation. Most of job evaluation method give higher values to job that require more skill and effort, have more responsibility, and have more difficult working condition (McShane & Von, 2013). We can see that from scene that Max Drummer as operating officer that hired Barney Ross and The Expendables 3 to carried task to catch Cornard Stonebanks. In certain situation at enemy place, Lee Christmas had asked Barney Ross whether they get good price for the mission because the mission harmful themselves and require high skill and strategies. It show the job reward been at stake of an individual to give their full commitment in fulfil the task given. The higher in the worth assigned to a job, the higher the minimum and maximum pay for the people in that job. Job status based reward try to improve feeling of fairness, such that people in the higher- valued job should get higher pay (Ellis & Dick, 2000).

2)   As for second issues, it is regarding our topic of conflicts. Conflict is a process in which one party perceives that its interest are being opposed or negatively affected by another party (McShane & Von, 2013). Some may think conflict is good and some thinks vice versa. A long time ago, people only think that conflict is bad as it gives negative effects however, this beliefs merged and changed as they nowadays thinks in a more critical way that conflict also good as it can help people to develop more creative solutions that reflect the needs of both parties involved. Conflict can be caused by incompatible goals, differentiations, interdependence or even poor communications (Ellis & Dick, 2000). Relationship conflict are not task-related, but it focusing on personal values, gossip, individual’s styles or personality and personal taste. In ‘The Expendables 3’, Barney Ross as leader had failed to deal with issues of his former teammates, Cornand Stonebanks by asking existing teammates. He also had left his team by dissolving the team without discuss earlier. It shows the decision bias to his team and cause internal conflict between them. The incident became worst when Barney recruit new teammates that consist new generation (young and willing to die).  The conflict cannot be solved by making harsh decision making; it can affect the moral downturn as entire team unable to give their own opinion to be considered.

3)      As for the third issues, it is regarding to departmentalization. Departmentalization specifies how employees and activities group together. It establishes the chain of command that is the system of common supervision among position and units within the organization. It frames the membership of formal work teams and typically determines which positions and units.  As for functional structure organizes employees around specific knowledge or other resources. Organizations with functional structures are typically centralized to coordinate their activities effectively (McShane & Von, 2013). It is because functional structures create specialized pools of talent that typically serve everyone in the organization. Direct supervision is easier in functional structures because manager oversee with common issues and expertise. In Expendable 3, Barney have select a group of people that have their own expertise on their field such as Thorn that have a skill in technology when he use the jammer device to delay the countdown, giving them just under half an hour before detonation. It shows that he is very expert in his field and he manages to help their team to escape from Stonebanks’ place.

4)      For the last issue is regarding team concept. The informal group can exist because they are driven by many factors such as emotional support and goal achievement. Our drive to bond is hardwired through evolutionary development, creating a need to belong to informal groups. This is evident in the way that people invest considerable time and effort in forming and maintaining social relationships without any special circumstances or ulterior motives. A second explanation is provided by social identity theory, which states that individuals define themselves by their group affiliation. The third reason why people are motivated to form informal group is that such groups accomplished task that cannot be achieve by individual working alone (McShane & Von, 2013). For example, employee will sometimes create a group to oppose organisational change because the group collectively has more power that do individual complaining alone. The forth reason is that stressful situations we are comfort by the mere presence of other people and are therefore motivated to be near them (Ellis & Dick, 2000). For an example when in danger, people congregate near each other even though doing so serves no protective purpose. In Expendable 3, we can see that they make informal group and be driven by stressful situation. In the last scene, an old and new expendable team are group together in order to handle the stress situation when they are surrounded by Stonebanks’ army when the old team are wanted to save the new teams. They manage to escape from that place due to the high level of skill and knowledge is combining among them. 


1)      The suggestion for first issue/problem, The Expendables Team should be motivated to increase their self-esteem. Motivation can direct or drive her towards achieving her goals by her own. Other than that, self-concept and past experience also regulate a person’s motivated decision and behaviours. In expectancy theory of motivation, it offers an elegant model based on rational logic to predict the chosen direction, level and persistence of motivation. Essentially, the theory states that work effort is directed towards behaviours that people believe will lead to desired outcomes (Ellis & Dick, 2000). In other words, we are motivated to achieve the goals with the highest expected payoff. An individual’s effort level depends on three factors; effort to performance (E to P) expectancy, performance to outcomes (P to O) expectancy and outcomes valence. E to P expectancy is the individual perception that his or her effort will result in particular level of performance. P to O expectancy however, perceived probability that a specific behaviour or performance level will lead to a particular outcomes while the outcome valence represents a person’s anticipated satisfaction with the outcomes (McShane & Von, 2013).

2)      The suggestion for second issue/problem is to minimize the conflict that arouse. There are numbers of conflict handling styles that has been identified by conflict experts, but most common of them are problem solving, forcing, avoiding, yielding and compromising. In problem solving, it tries to find mutual beneficial solutions for both party and also known as win-win situation. People using this style because they believe that if the parties work together, they can find creative solutions. Information sharing is an important feature of this style because both parties collaborate to identify common ground and potential solutions that everyone involved. As for forcing, people who use this style typically have a win-lose orientation which means the more one party receives, the less the other party will receive (McShane & Von, 2013).  In selecting forcing style, two actions help a person to implement it effectively. The first action is to ensure that good alternatives are developed, which increased the person’s power while the second action is to develop a small number of strong arguments and then keep repeating them. By avoiding, parties involved try to smooth over or avoid conflict situations altogether. It represents low concern for both self and other party. In other words, avoiders try to suppress thinking about the conflict. However, yielding involves giving in completely to the other side’s wishes, or at least cooperating with little or no attention to one’s own interest. Compromising in other way, involves looking for a position which your losses are offset by equally valued gains. It involves matching the other party’s concessions, making conditional promises or threats and actively searching for a middle ground between the interests of both parties (Ellis & Dick, 2000).

3)      The suggestion for third issue/problem is to minimize the departmentalization issue. This can see in Expendable 3 that the new team are not very arrange in term of giving the task. This is because Barney is using functional structure on his new team compare to his old team. The methods that using by Barney creates a small conflict among them because there is lack of team work among the members. It can see Barney is easy to arrange the old team compare to his new team. This problem can be minimizing by using the team based structure. What is team based structure? Team based structure can be define as built around self-directed teams that complete an entire piece of work (McShane & Von, 2013). Furthermore the team based structure has a wide span of control because team can operate with minimal supervision of the leader. They can complete their task and does need only a minimum supervision from the leader. Besides that, team based structure are highly decentralization which mean the decision are made by team members rather than the leader itself. This will help to reduce the burden of the leader because he have more important thing to decide. The team based structure also has a low formalization because the team only has a few rules to about how to complete their task (Ellis & Dick, 2000). In Expendable 3, if Barney manage to apply this type of organizational structure it is easier to him to accomplish the tasks that are given by Drummer. Just like the old team of expendable, there are already use with the team goals and they already have work with Barney for a long time compare to new expendable team that only take a week to them gathered and they already assign by the task.
It will create a low level of understanding among them and it makes them, hard and difficult to complete the task. Like in organization when the team is already working for that company in long period, they only need a low supervision from the leader because they already know how to organize their own work and their way to achieve organization goals. Team based structure usually found within the manufacturing and service operations of larger divisional structures. This is because team based structure are more flexible and responsive toward the organization because they already know how to complete their task to achieve organization goal.

4)      The suggestion for fourth issue/problem is team diversity issue. This issue can be seen in the last part of the movie when the old expendable team and the new expendable team are meeting up. In that we can see the conflict among the members when they try to make a plan to escape from Stonebanks’ army. They start to argue about the capability of the member. This show that they still does not have a sense of believe among others. This is due to high team diversity among the members. This high team diversity create a gap among the members team because they believe the old team are more good compare to the new team and they believe the new team should listen to the old team because there are more senior and have more experience on that field. So they feel more good compare to others member. This situation also we can see on the organization which is the senior worker difficult to give a corporation with the new member in the organization. This will make the team are difficult to achieve the organization goal or objective.  In order to minimize this problem, they need to create team norms.
Norms are the informal rule rules and shared expectations that group establish to regulate the behavior of their members. These norms can create by having same behavior among the team members. By having that the members can cooperate well among others and they know about the weakness and the strength of the members. They can utilize the skill or resources that already exist to achieve the organizational goal (McShane & Von, 2013). As we can see in Expendable 3, Barney uses the skill that his teams have to overcome the problems that occur during that time.

McShane, S. L., & Von, G. M. (2013). Organizational behavior: Emerging knowledge, global reality (6th Ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin.
Ellis, S., & Dick, P. (2000). Introduction to Organizational Behaviour. London: McGraw-Hill Pub.
Oxford Fajar Sdn. Bhd (008974-T). (2011). Principal of Management. Oxford University Press.